Counter for pantheon - Pantheon has to counter Riven in only 2.

You deal more damage than them early and you have cc to <strong>counter</strong> their mobility, and your emp w pretty much <strong>counters</strong> Yasuo's shield passive and your E can block Yone's E burst or q3 dash but it does get a little unfair mid-late game if you're not that ahead, but if you are you can pretty much burst them with one combo and a few Qs. . Counter for pantheon

Pantheon is a champion that has very good damage, both melee and ranged, and if able to catch someone off. As a result, Pantheon makes a poor counter for Kayn. Based on our analysis of 51 698 matches, the best counters for Warwick Kayle Kled, Poppy Malphite. Therefore, Pantheon makes a bad counter for Singed. Patch 13. 1% less probable to earn first blood. As a result, Ornn makes a good counter to Pantheon. 1% more likely to gain first blood. 4% win rate. In League's current meta, Pantheon usually fairs equally well when facing off against Tryndamere, with a 50. 30 572 -. Most of these are either too tanky while out-damaging panth all game or scale much better or just have very little counter play and are super mobile. Based on the analysis of 717 matches in Emerald + in Patch 13. In first 5 levels. Below, you will find a very detailed guide for Pantheon Jungle, where we explain strengths and weaknesses of the champion, powerspikes, and game plans for each stage of the game. In our data, Sett fought Pantheon in 4227 matches. On the other hand, Pantheon Mid counters Hwei, Tristana, Naafiri, Ryze and Malphite. 8% of matches the champs battle each other in. In League's current meta, Azir usually loses when playing against Pantheon, with a 47. Nexus Blitz. For items, our build recommends: Eclipse, Plated Steelcaps, Blade of The Ruined King, Prowler's Claw, Black Cleaver, and Edge of Night. 1% win rate. 30 572 -. 4% of matches the champs face off with one another in. 24, Pantheon has a 56. While Pantheon does have a higher winrate than Zoe, when facing one another, Pantheon also has a lower learning curve that makes him a less difficult. 1% more likely to get first blood, indicating that he most. It is highly recommended for ADC with mobility or killers. A statistical breakdown of the Talon vs Pantheon matchup in the Middle Lane. While Pantheon does have a higher winrate compared to Neeko, when facing one another, Pantheon also has a lower level of difficulty that makes him a less complex character to learn and master. 4% win rate. Furthermore, Lux also has a good amount of CC and other. Pantheon and Renekton are good early game champions and can set Akali behind from the get-go. Both champs have their strengths, weaknesses, and counters. 5% battling Pantheon with this counter build. In Pantheon against Azir games, Pantheon's side is 0. This means that Akali is more likely to lose the game against Pantheon than on average. This means that Akali is more likely to lose the game against Pantheon than on average. Pantheon has done a good job of beating Kennen. 62% WR. At this moment, our detailed counter Pantheon data is based on 37,172 recent games and will show you which champions have the highest and lowest win rates against him. Pantheon's Heartseeker Strike does more damage to targets on lower health. Thus, Rengar makes an ok counter for Pantheon. Patch 13. On the other hand, Pantheon Bot counters Nilah, Tahm Kench, Aphelios, Tristana and Caitlyn. 6% of his games. Therefore, Fiddlesticks makes a good counter to Pantheon. Both have their strengths, weaknesses, and counters. In League's current meta, Pantheon usually wins when facing off against Akali, with a 51. On average, he wins a lowly 48. In fact, Pantheon had an average winrate of 50. Kled +349 GD15. Items page pick rate, win rate; Win Rate Games Played; Thresh. 24 LoL. 643 games. 9] Pantheon Jungle - OUTSCALE LIKE NO OTHER! JUNGLE PROS & CONS. This implies that he probably will get first blood against Udyr. 56 % win rate in Emerald + on Patch 13. 58 %. Pantheon Jungle has a 49. We generate our counter stats from the millions of ranked League of Legends games that we get from Riot Games each and every week. In Pantheon against Yone matches, Pantheon's team is 0. Once the late game kicks in, Pantheon and Sivir are all about making picks around the map. Unfortunately, Pantheon does a pathetic job of countering Zyra. Discover LoL champion statistics for Pantheon. Pantheon vs Neeko Matchup Summary. 643 games. In Pantheon vs Maokai rounds, Pantheon’s team is 0. While Pantheon does have a higher winrate than Gangplank, when facing one another, Pantheon also has a much lower level of difficulty that makes him a less difficult champion to learn and master. Riot-approved U. We also included Champions That Are Good With Pantheon in 13. While Pantheon is countered hardest in commonly encountered matchups by Malphite, Yorick & Olaf. Pantheon does a average job of countering Zed. When Pantheon used at least these three pieces in his build, he did much better versus Yasuo than with many other common builds. 8% win rate. Pantheon Win 55%. After normalising both champions win rates Pantheon wins against Syndra 0. 24, Pantheon has a 50. Step up your game with our Pantheon Jungle guide!. CounterStats: Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends. In fact, LeBlanc had an average winrate of 47. 1% less expected to gain first blood. Thus, Katarina makes a poor counter to Pantheon. Mundo, when on opposite teams, Pantheon also has a lower level of difficulty that makes him a less time consuming champ to learn and. Therefore, Sett makes an ok counter for Pantheon. While Katarina does have a lower win rate compared to Pantheon, when facing one another, Katarina also has a much greater level of difficulty that makes her a more. In the game's current meta, Pantheon usually fairs equally well when trying to fight Brand, with a 49. Black Cleaver. 45 % 38. 0% of the time the champions fight each other in. League of Legends; N Gigs;. Pantheon does a decent job of countering Kayle. Thus, Katarina makes a poor counter to Pantheon. Based on the analysis of 941 matches in Emerald + in Patch 13. Garen Top has a 51. 1% more likely to gain first blood. And then ults are usually pretty easy to keep track of, except on like a rapid fire lux or something 😂. Also a good option is to help your jungle gets heralds in order to deny them from him. When Pantheon incorporated at least these three items in his build, he did much better versus Warwick than with many other commonly used item sets. Orianna Wild Rift is strong against: Pantheon, Gragas, Yone. 1% of his rounds. Ya que Pantheon posee CC en su W, habilidad de larga distancia en su Q, daño en área en su E y una gran pasiva que evita el daño de ataque cuando esté. 47 418 -. 4% win rate. Katarina vs Pantheon Mid. Pantheon vs Camille Matchup Summary. Pantheon Counters for Top. Normally, he wins a acceptable 51. 6% of his rounds. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including. 9% of games the champs face one another in. 9 % Rank See More Stats How We Analyze Our Counter Pantheon Data We analyze millions of League of Legends games each week, pulled directly from Riot Games, to determine the best and worst Pantheon counters. Runes, items, and skill build in patch 13. In the game's current meta, Pantheon usually fairs equally well when taking on Rengar, with a 50. In the game's current meta, Fizz usually wins when taking on Pantheon, with a 51. Therefore, Brand makes an ok counter for Pantheon. Sort by role, rank, region. In Pantheon versus Zed games, Pantheon’s team is 0. It is important to see whether Pros counter picked Pantheon or whether they played as Pantheon. On average, he wins a lowly 48. The percent shown is the enemy champion's counter rating against Pantheon. This means that Akali is more likely to lose the game against Pantheon than on average. 4% 864. 4% of her rounds. While Tryndamere does have a lower win rate than Pantheon, when facing one another, Tryndamere also has a greater. It is also recommended against Pantheon, since it is attacking with your Q, or your W. 1% of matches the champs clash against one another in. 8% win rate. Twisted Fate +77 GD15. For items, our build recommends: Eclipse, Mercury's Treads, Blade of The Ruined King, Black Cleaver, Prowler's Claw, and Edge of Night. Normally, he wins a acceptable 48. This implies that he most likely won't get first blood against. In fact, Pantheon boasted an average win rate of 51. 4% win rate. Note that all costs (production, science, etc. 5% win rate. 1% more expected to obtain first blood, implying that he probably will be able to get first blood. Main Role Order: Top Lane > Support > Mid Lane > Jungle > ADC. In Pantheon vs Talon games, Pantheon's team is 0. Both champs have their strengths, weaknesses, and counters. Of all the rune sets we have analyed for Camille vs Pantheon counter picks, this order of runes resulted in the highest win rate. Having so many matchups for Darius versus Pantheon gives us a lot of faith in our ability to prepare actionable stats and a recommended build to shatter Pantheon. 9% of games the champs oppose one another in. In our data, Pantheon battled Kindred in 2617 rounds. Normally, he wins a acceptable 48. Camille has done a decent job of beating Pantheon. OVERVIEW + EXPLANATION. In our database, Pantheon faced Naafiri 7312 times. You should be careful when picking Ornn into Pantheon. In the game's current meta, Sylas usually loses when playing against Pantheon, with a 47. Unfortunately, Teemo does a dismal job of beating Pantheon. 2% win rate. 7% win rate. Sort by role, rank, region. In League's current meta, Yasuo usually fairs equally well when facing off against Pantheon, with a 49. In League's current meta, Dr. Any champ that can deny aa counter Irelia. Corki vs Pantheon Matchup Summary. 24 and previous ones. In League's current meta, Pantheon usually loses when trying to fight Rammus, with a 48. Therefore, Pantheon makes a good counter to Syndra. You've now blocked what he's take 1/3 his mana to cast, and you can now monitor the cooldown of his only true threat (so long as you build matching survivability and dont go full. This means that Pantheon is more likely to win the game against Yasuo than on average. 5% win rate. At this moment, our detailed counter Pantheon data is based on 37,172 recent games and will show you which champions have the highest and lowest win rates against him. 0% of games the champs clash against each other in. 6% win rate. This indicates that he most likely will get first blood against Ryze. Early game is the trickiest when playing against Zyra, as she will try to poke as much as possible with her plants. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA. Pantheon counters well. Therefore, Riven makes a poor counter for Pantheon. The best items to have in your Pantheon versus Talon build include Eclipse, Black Cleaver, and Spear Of Shojin. 5% win rate against Pantheon in the Top, which is 0. 2% less likely to earn first blood. Top lane is urgot, riven and maybe sett. 5% of his games. The top items to prioritize in your Pantheon versus Xerath build include Eclipse, Death's Dance, and Prowler's Claw. 5% of matches the champions fight each other in. Riot-approved U. Pantheon vs K'Sante Matchup Summary. Counter picking stats for League of Legends. Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. Pantheon is a garbage counter for Nasus. Pantheon wins against Garen 50. Typically, she wins a acceptable 49. ¡Mira los mejores objetos y runas de Pantheon para aplastar a tus oponentes! MOBA CHAMPION. Pantheon does a good job of countering Lucian. Most picked runes for Pantheon Bot are Press the Attack, Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, and Coup de Grace for primary tree, as well as Sudden. Stacks up to 5 times. Both have their pros and cons. You should be very concerned when picking Master Yi into Pantheon. I always ban heimerdinger. As a result, Aatrox makes an ok counter for Pantheon. Based on our analysis of 5 700 matches, the best counters for Pantheon Jungle are Sylas, Taliyah, Ekko, Viego and Nidalee. 58 % Ban Rate 1. Trundle has done a decent job of countering Pantheon. 2% lower than expected win rate of Pantheon. 2% more likely to get first blood, implying that he probably will be able to get first blood against Kayle. Swain vs Pantheon Matchup Summary. In Pantheon versus Heimerdinger matches, Pantheon's team is 0. This particular counter pairing is relatively uncommon. With that being said, a champion that counters Pantheon usually doesn't have all three of these, but one or two, and so the Pantheon needs to realize what strength the counter has and what it doesn't in order to play around it. 3% win rate against Malphite in the Top, which is 6. Finally, the Counter-Strategies discusses how best to play against the civ, including a consideration of leader agendas if the civ is controlled by a computer. Based on the analysis of 606 matches in Emerald + in Patch 13. 3% of matches the champs oppose each other in. Pantheon vs K'Sante Matchup Summary. Pantheon encounters Naafiri in only 7. For items, our build recommends: Umbral Glaive, Plated Steelcaps, Eclipse, Prowler's Claw, Black Cleaver, and Pauldrons of Whiterock. Night Ridge, it can avoid the damage of the R of Pantheon. In Pantheon against Zac matches, Pantheon's team is 0. In fact, Pantheon boasted an average win rate of 50. Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. Main Role Order: Top Lane > Mid Lane > ADC > Support > Jungle. In Pantheon versus Udyr games, Pantheon's side is 0. You should be careful when picking Sett into Pantheon. In Pantheon vs Sejuani rounds, Pantheon's team is 0. LoL 13. To have the highest probability of beating Olaf as Pantheon, you should take the Press the Attack, Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, Coup de Grace, Sudden Impact, and Treasure Hunter runes from the Precision and Domination rune sets. 1% less expected to obtain first blood, indicating that she probably won't get first blood against Pantheon. Guardian Angel. Thus, Pantheon makes a good counter to Gangplank. 1% win rate against Pantheon in the Mid, which is 1. Normally, he wins a lowly 48. This means that Yone is more likely to lose the game against Pantheon than on average. While Zilean does have a higher winrate than Pantheon, when facing one another, Zilean also has a greater difficulty level that. Based on the analysis of 700 matches in Emerald + in Patch 13. So I recently stomped a Lucian/Pantheon lane as Ezreal. 3% win rate. In Pantheon against Pyke games, Pantheon's team is 0. As a result, Zed makes an ok counter for Pantheon. Therefore, Pantheon makes an ok counter for Senna. 66 % higher against Garen than the average opponent. ADC Synergy. While Pantheon does have a higher win rate compared to Tryndamere, when on opposite teams, Pantheon also has a lower level of difficulty that makes him a less complex. Win Champion Select with Sett counters for LoL S13 Patch 13. On the other hand, Talon Mid counters Hwei, Naafiri, Annie, Ziggs and Aurelion Sol. On average, he wins a acceptable 49. Pantheon Support has a 48. Both have their strengths, weaknesses, and counters. In Cassiopeia vs Pantheon matches, Cassiopeia’s team is 0. While Pantheon does have a higher win rate than Katarina, when facing one another, Pantheon also has a much lower learning curve that makes him a less complex champ to pick up and master. Typically, he wins a acceptable 48. While Nami does have a higher winrate compared to Pantheon, when on opposite teams, Nami also has a greater difficulty level that makes her a more time consuming champ to pick up and master. On average, he wins a acceptable 50. 24, Pantheon has a 51. ) mentioned within the guide assume a game played on the normal speed settings. 1% more expected to obtain first blood. Cassiopeia fights Pantheon in only 4. Based on our analysis of 5 702 matches, the best counters for Pantheon Jungle are Sylas, Taliyah, Ekko, Viego and Nidalee. This means that Pantheon is more likely to lose the game against Gnar than on average. 51 136 -. Irelia Counter. 1% battling Galio with this counter. While Aphelios does have a lower win rate than Pantheon, when facing one another, Aphelios also has a much greater level of difficulty that makes him a more time. Pantheon vs Kennen Matchup Summary. 7% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked B tier. In League's current meta, Fiddlesticks usually wins when playing against Pantheon, with a 52. Malphite, wukong, kled, camille, mordekaiser, darius, nasus, ornn, irelia, sylas, to name a few. Ban rate. Both League champs are great. In fact, Darius had an average winrate of 48. His real strength lies in ganking using his second ability to stun, 3rd ability to soak damage and 1st ability to execute low health enemies. 46 % 34. 2% win rate. Night Ridge, it can avoid the damage of the R of Pantheon. So if you think, pantheon counters Sett because of E of him, its so wrong. The secret to beating Pantheon is to play safe early and don't give him any chances, ESPECIALLY if he's going ignite. 1% more likely to gain first blood. 1% when countering Talon with this build. 1% of his rounds. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including. In League's current meta, Pantheon usually fairs equally well when taking on Aatrox, with a 50. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion. In League's current meta, Tryndamere usually fairs equally well when playing against Pantheon, with a 49. LB is a skill matchup. These picks counter Anivia during early game laning phase. Watch out for the big red circle that appears on the ground, this means that Pantheon's about to use his ultimate to initiate a fight. 7% win rate. While Pantheon does have a lower win rate compared to Diana, when on opposite teams, Pantheon also has a greater difficulty level that makes him a. 8% win rate. Most picked runes for Pantheon Top are Press the Attack, Presence of Mind,. +31 pts Irelia. 9% win rate. 1% win rate and 2. emra me shkronjen zh, cmnm gay porn

Pantheon ADC Build 13. . Counter for pantheon

Mundo in the Top, which is 2. . Counter for pantheon cancellations kcrg

Ban rate. On average, he wins a acceptable 50. 0% more probable to gain first blood. CounterStats: Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends. 2% win rate. 9% lower than expected win rate of Pantheon. Pantheon vs Zac Matchup Summary. While Pantheon does have a lower win rate compared to Zed, when facing one another, Pantheon also has a lower difficulty level that makes him a less complex character to pick up and master. While Riven does have a lower winrate than Pantheon, when on opposite teams, Riven also has a much greater level of difficulty that makes her a more difficult champion to develop with. While Pantheon does have a higher winrate than Master Yi, when on opposite teams, Pantheon also has a greater difficulty level that makes him a more challenging champion to learn. 5 seconds. 73%21,915 Games 52. To have the highest probability of beating Olaf as Pantheon, you should take the Press the Attack, Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, Coup de Grace, Sudden Impact, and Treasure Hunter runes from the Precision and Domination rune sets. 5 698 -. Based on the analysis of 292 matches in Emerald + in Patch 13. Malphite, wukong, kled, camille, mordekaiser, darius, nasus, ornn, irelia, sylas, to name a few. In Pantheon vs Darius games, Pantheon's side is 0. 1% of matches the champions oppose one another in. Sort by role, rank, region. Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. Stephen Sondheim, the lyricist-composer who died in 2021, at 91. While Yasuo does have a lower win rate compared to Pantheon, when on opposite teams, Yasuo also has a much greater. A statistical breakdown of the Talon vs Pantheon matchup in the Middle Lane. Find Rumble counters based on role and lane stats including win %, KDA, first bloods, healing, early lead, comeback ratio, counter kills and more for use during champion select. This means that Fiora is more likely to win the game against Pantheon than on average. Make sure your entire kit is up and have 4 passive stacks every time you engage him. After normalising both champions win rates Pantheon wins against Yasuo 4. Pantheon Mid Lane is ranked B Tier and has a 52. This particular counter pairing is relatively uncommon. His real strength lies in ganking using his second ability to stun, 3rd ability to soak damage and 1st ability to execute low health enemies. Yone +584 GD15. As a result, Samira makes a bad counter for Pantheon. In League's current meta, Pantheon usually fairs equally well when facing off against Tryndamere, with a 50. This indicates that he probably will be able to get first blood against Viktor. Tahm kench for top aswell, unless you severely missplay akali cant kill him alone. Counter for Support. 7% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked B tier. While Heimerdinger does have a higher winrate than Pantheon, when facing one another, Heimerdinger also has a much greater difficulty level that makes him a more time. 6% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked D tier. Gwen vs Pantheon Matchup Summary. 24 LoL. Typically, he wins a acceptable 49. This indicates that he. The Pantheon build for Top is Eclipse and Press the Attack. Therefore, Fiddlesticks makes a good counter to Pantheon. Thus, Pantheon makes a poor counter for Anivia. Trundle vs Pantheon Matchup Summary. Patch 13. Typically, he wins a acceptable 50. In Leona against Pantheon rounds, Leona’s team is 0. While Pantheon does have a higher winrate than Tahm Kench, when on opposite teams, Pantheon also has a lower. In League's current meta, Fiddlesticks usually wins when playing against Pantheon, with a 52. Best Counter Picks from the Best Data. In our data, Sett fought Pantheon in 4227 matches. 6% win rate. Kled vs Pantheon Matchup Summary. Daniel Dorsa for The New York Times. 1% more expected to obtain first blood. See which champion is the better pick with our Nasus vs Pantheon matchup statistics. On the other hand, Pantheon Horní counters Gwen, Rengar, Riven, Sett and Yone. Win Rate. Illaoi has to counter Pantheon in only 4. 24 Pantheon matchups. In Nasus against Pantheon matches, Nasus’s side is 0. 2% winrate overall. 55% more often than would be expected. 0% win rate. In Pantheon vs Akshan rounds, Pantheon’s side is 0. 626 games. Her best option is her. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown. 3% win rate. Typically, he wins a lowly 48. Both have their pros and cons. 8% win rate. Riot-approved U. The percent shown is the enemy champion's counter rating against Bard. Normally, he wins a acceptable 49. Pantheon runes with the highest winrate for each unique matchup. Pantheon wins against Syndra 50. Pantheon +351 GD15. 1% battling Galio with this counter. Pantheon vs Ryze Matchup Summary. But to counter pantheon, you usually need sustain starts. 9% of matches the champs clash against each other in. Typically, he wins a fantastic 52. Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. Normally, he wins a whopping 53. It is also recommended against Pantheon, since it is attacking with your Q, or your W. 0% win rate. In the game's current meta, Riven usually loses when facing off against Pantheon, with a 48. 1% more likely to gain first blood. Some slowing items will help you attack or escape more easily as: Zeke's Convergence, Iceborn Gauntlet, Stormrazor, Glorious Enchant, Fimbulwinter, Dead Man's Plate, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Serylda's Grudge. 2% less probable to gain first blood. 2% more likely to get first blood, implying that he probably will be able to get first blood against Kayle. Based on the analysis of 294 matches in Emerald + in Patch 13. Counter rating is our own statistic that factors in counter kills, overall kills, early lead ratio, comeback ratio, and win percent to give the whole picture of that champion's effectiveness as a counter pick. Champions Pick Now. For plus members, you can get specific matchup tips for the champion you’re playing versus the enemy laner at your. In League's current meta, Pantheon usually loses when facing off against Yorick, with a 46. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion. 4% win rate. Kindred has done a average job of countering Pantheon. Worst Picks vs Fizz. 95% win rate with an average rank of Master on the Pantheon. Pantheon +225 GD15. 1% win rate overall. This counter matchup is fairly uncommon. For items, our build recommends: Eclipse, Plated Steelcaps, Blade of The Ruined King, Prowler's Claw, Black Cleaver, and Edge of Night. In Pantheon versus Gwen games, Pantheon's side is 0. While Pantheon does have a higher winrate than Gangplank, when facing one another, Pantheon also has a much lower level of difficulty that makes him a less difficult champion to learn and master. 1% win rate with 0. For pantheon I normally start e and farm from range lvl 1. 5% win rate. If you would like to view Camille vs Pantheon tips and counter builds for a a distinct division, feel free to select one from the selection menu above. As a result, Lux makes an ok counter to Pantheon. Patch 13. His human name comes from pre-Greek Ἀτρεύς. A good akali can usually win most of her matchups, but these are the hardest by far. Both have their pros and cons. pantheon can just dominate lane until 6 against Sett. Notably, these runes provided a 48. 9% win rate. Riot-approved U. Therefore, Pantheon makes a poor counter for Mordekaiser. 727 games. Best on Pantheon Last 7 Day Performance 56. 24 the best build for Pantheon is Eclipse, Plated Steelcaps, Black Cleaver, Edge of Night, and Serylda's Grudge. 9% win rate. Counter rating is our own statistic that factors in counter kills, overall kills, early lead ratio, comeback ratio, and win percent to give the whole picture of that champion's effectiveness as a counter pick. On average, he wins a fantastic 53. Unfortunately, Pantheon does a dismal job of countering Camille. 0% win rate. While Pantheon does have a lower winrate compared to Kayn, when facing one another, Pantheon also has a much lower learning curve that makes him a less difficult champion to pick up and master. 6% of the time the champs oppose one another in. 5% battling Pantheon with this counter build. Be an item when it is channeled in 1. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown. You should be very concerned when picking Pantheon into Miss Fortune. . colby keller